les news decalees


Et hop histoire de pas parasiter mon topic du lol :p

les infos people

Hogan en pleur et désolé (usa style quoi)

O_O ????

tain elle est vraiment mieux au naturel

Bram est en taule.
Le mari de charlotte flair a été arrété : violence domestique par étranglement et séquestration.
Là où ca pue (comme pour rollins) c’est que le gars à pas l’air super fidele, vu qu'en fait il a tabassé sa maitresse (il serait separé de charlotte depuis des mois)


Members +
Où Bram a-t-il été infidèle ? Il était séparé de Charlotte avant de se mettre avec celle qu'il a étranglé/séquestré.

Par contre oui, comme on nous a jamais informé à l'origine sur la séparation entre Bram et Charlotte, où on pensait que c'était celle-ci qui fut victime de violences conjugales (et je suppose qu'on l'aurait tjrs pensé s'il n'y avait pas eu cet évènement dramatique).


bah a ce que j'ai compris, il est separé mais pas encore divorcé, c'est chelou qd meme comme histoire :(


Members +
C'est le 10 septembre prochain qu'ils seront divorcés.

Sinon, juste comme ça : People Power, alias John Laurinaitis va se marier à la mère des Bella Twins.


j'ai vu ca. Le pire c'est que la mere est blonde :)

Sinon grosse news, le dvd d'owen arrive enfin


tain c'est dingue je suis tombe sur la fin de karaté kid, le mechant blond à la fin on dirait owen ^^


tain 14 "trucs" du maitre jake roberts sur le catch. Super interessant

14 In-Ring Wrestling Secrets Jake Roberts Revealed On Stone Cold’s Podcast


putain super interessant. Finallement razor est qqn de pose et d’intelligent (qd il est pas bourré)
15 Things We Learned From Scott Hall On The Steve Austin Show

quizz : qui est ce ?


Kurt Angle’s Brother Is Charged With Homicide

Sycho Sid Now Has A WWE Legends Deal

Nikki Bella Has Defended Divas Title Only 12 Times In 10 Months

Nash & Hogan Own 50% Of nWo Merchandise Rights
Of course, the New World Order faction was Bischoff’s brain child, but he doesn’t see a penny from the faction nowadays.
When Hulk Hogan products were taken off WWE’s online shop recently, the nWo was no exception. In the words of Flair, this infuriated Kevin Nash, who has a deal with the company to continue to stock the merchandise. This is why several nWo items have started to resurface.


La suite
15 Things We Learned From Scott Hall On Steve Austin Show Part 2

Razor was a name that he liked but Vince was initially reluctant, telling Scott there’s already a boxer named Razor Ruddock. Hall replied in character “I’ll kick his f*cking ass” and McMahon laughed and decided to go with it. But the last name was still missing, and it was Tito Santana who suggested the name Ramon while both men were using the urinals at the arena.

Putain c’est lui qui a eu l’idee de sting-the crow
Scott asked Sting if he’d ever seen The Crow, and when he said he hadn’t he began to explain the character to him, adding “I’m not telling you to rip off Undertaker, but rip off Undertaker.” Sting went and researched the character, pitched it to Eric Bischoff and they ran with it to amazing results.


Hayabusa remained connected to wrestling, most notably Japan’s Dragon Gate promotion, while also working on a new career as a singer. In 2014, Hayabusa shocked the world when he rose to his feet and walked with the assistance of crutches, and as of this year has regained use of his legs and can walk with a cane.



Marilyn Manson Helped Inspire The ‘Crow’ Gimmick


Triple H Consented To Finn Balor’s TNA ‘Crotch Chop’



tain y’a un bus par alignement…


In an interview with GQ Magazine in 2011, CM Punk confirmed that there were still “babyface buses” and “heel buses.”
C.M. Punk: …We were just in Australia, and somebody on the babyface bus comes up to me and says, “Cena was at an appearance this morning, so do you know who was on the babyface bus with the most seniority? Kelly Kelly.” …
GQ: So there’s really a babyface bus and a heel bus?
C.M. Punk: Absolutely.
GQ: Which one has the better atmosphere?
C.M. Punk: I don’t know, depends on who you ask. The business has changed a lot. It used to be about bragging rights between the buses, about who partied harder. Now, I’m the only heel who’s awake on the bus; everybody is passed out asleep. I can only comment on the heel bus. I wouldn’t set foot on that other bus.


20 WWE Rumours About The Undertaker That Proved To Be Bulls**t

Hulk Hogan has taken credit for getting The Undertaker a job with WWF, but like most things with The Hulkster, the claim is bull****.



Kofi Kingston is well-known to be a huge fan of video games. Alongside his partner in The New Day, Xavier Woods, Kingston enjoys the entire genre and has played games since childhood. Incredibly, the high-flying star’s actual training away from the ring has been based on a character from one of his favourite series of games. Introduced in Tekken 3, Eddy Gordo has a unique fight style.

The one-on-one fighting game was a revelation in the 1990’s. In 1998, the arcade port of Tekken 3 hit the PS One console. It was there that many gamers were first privy to the Capoeira moves of Gordo. Capoeira is a Brazilian adaptation of martial arts, and it captivated Kingston as soon as he first witnessed it.

Looking to incorporate much of the free-movement the video game character makes use of into his wrestling style, Kofi now works with a trainer recommended by none other than John Cena. Clearly, Cena get different benefits from the man than Kofi, but it’s incredible to think that Kingston’s training regime has been molded by the Tekken series. Not many WWE stars can claim that.


You know how WWE tried to get Roman Reigns over by telling you he was the cousin of The Great One, The Rock? Well, he isn’t.

Rocky and Reignsy are related however, but not via blood. The pair are part of that famous Anoa’i family tree, but they’re not on there by kin.

People like Dave Meltzer have told how The Rock’s grandfather was just buddies with the Wild Samoans, and that’s how all the kids are ‘cousins’, but according to the official family tree, both Tovale Anoa’i and Peter Miavia were a little bit closer than that.

Anoa’i and Miavia were actually blood brothers – this is where men who are not related by birth have sworn loyalty to each other. In modern times, the process of becoming blood brothers is usually done in a ceremony, known as a blood oath. This is where each person makes a small cut, usually on their finger, hand or forearm, and presses them together before they are bound. The idea behind this is that each person’s blood now flows in the other participant’s veins, making them family.

So there you go, Rock and Reigns are related if you look at things from a Samoan persuasion, but they aren’t if you take things from a familial standpoint.

Cat Himiny

quel professionnel du catch a osé sortir , il y a quelques mois en France , cette incongruité au cours d'un e interview ?

" Le catch est un spectacle con , fait par des cons , pour des cons ! "

:um: :corino: :freakzilla2: :tir-deux: :jericho2:

Cat Himiny

non ,

c'est le boss de la FFCP , le truculent Marc Mercier , aka "Marco " pour ses fans !

il faut dire aussi qu'à l'occasion de cette interview accordée Aux Cahiers du Catch , il paraissait quelque peu émèché .. , n'a t il pas osé insinuer que Booster en était réduit à "manger des pommes de terre ( frites ) " en famille ...

une autre interview savoureuse en video :


merci Marco !